In-person Adult Day Health Care (ADHC) & Community Based Adult Services (CBAS)
We understand your excitement about joining our in-person services. We have prepared some useful resources to demonstrate our commitment to participants and caregivers.
Be sure and check out our facility updates and continued health precautions that have been put in place in order to protect Helping Hands for Better Living participants, caregivers, and staff.
Visit our OC ACCESS Transportation webpage for subscription information and resources.
A full FAQ is available for review below and can also be download as a PDF.

Practicing Caution & Safety
- Fully vaccinated staff by September 30, 2021 (California mandate)
- Individual Desks & Supplies (no shared items)
- Hand Washing & Sanitation Stations Through Facility
- Central HVAC Air Sanitation System to Reduce Airborne Containminents
- Full-time Housekeeping Staff
- Daily Participant & Staff Screening
- Facility Provides Protective Equipment for Staff & Participants
* Click on photo gallery below to learn more above our safety precautions.

Partnering with Parents & Caregivers
- Mutual Understanding of CDC, California & Orange County Guidelines
- Ensure Transparency & Understanding of Shared Responsibilities
- Custom & Personalized Return to Services Assessment
- Professionally Designed Individual Care Plan
- COVID-19 Questionnaire & Pre-screening
- OC ACCESS Transportation Subscription Information
- Facility Tours and Orientations
* Click on photo gallery below to learn more above our collaborative approach to care.

Our Commitment to Participants & Caregivers
- Provide a Person-centered Program
- Fully vaccinated staff by September 30, 2021 (per California mandate)
- Provide an Educational & Enriching Experience
- Facilitate a Hybrid Day Program (on-site/remote)
- Nutritious and Filling Snack
- Maintain Transparency & Communication
- Daily Participant & Staff Screening
* Click on photo gallery below to learn more above our commitment to participants and caregivers.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
The most frequently asked questions are addressed below.
You are also encouraged to download the full FAQ for review and/or contact Helping Hands for Better Living for additional information.
Helping Hands for Better Living resumed a “phased in”/ “slow return” approach to in-person services.
The California Department of Aging, California Department of Public Health, and the Regional Center of Orange County has required all vendors to complete a process of review and MDT meetings before returning to in-person services. This requires that ALL participants returning must receive a “face to face” / in-process assessment by the professionals designing their individual plan of care…BEFORE they return. Scheduling each person to receive the “face to face” assessment, requires that the participant and the caregiver arrive at the center in an area in which there are no other participants.
The OCTA Access transportation subscription request must be resubmitted and processed by OCTA Access, also some participants require an additional step in which the transportation is processed by the Regional Center of Orange County Service Coordinator. This takes several weeks to process.
Helping Hands for Better Living must follow the guidelines of multiple regulatory and licensing agencies such as the California Department of Health, California Department of Aging, California Department of Developmental Services, Regional Center of Orange County, CAL/OSHA, and the CDC.
This means that current social distancing mandates…limit the occupancy for in-person/ on-site services! This will mean that not all enrolled participants may be at the center at the same time!
Participants and staff are scheduled in a “staggered” fashion to comply with social distancing mandates.
A. All Helping Hands for Better Living employees providing "in-person services" at our center must be fully vaccinated by September 30, 2021, as per the mandate from the State of California Health Department. While we encourage vaccination for our program participants, we do NOT require vaccination to receive in-person services.
Helping Hands for Better Living will follow all CDC, State of California, and local guidelines in the community. Additional Protocols and Policies are in place regarding, masking mandates while on-site, social distancing for all participants (individual desks and supplies…no shared items), hand hygiene (handwashing, hand sanitizing dispensers are mounted on the wall or on kiosks throughout the facility), HVAC installed central air sanitizing system has been installed which reduces BOTH surface and airborne contaminants such as bacteria, viruses, mold, fungus, etc. ( ). Full-time housekeeping and sanitation staff have been employed to assure that the facility surfaces and program activity/therapy supplies are clean and sanitized throughout the day.
Staff and program participants will wear personal protective equipment (masks, gloves, etc.) whenever personal assistance of any kind is given. Helping Hands for Better Living has adequate personal protective equipment to meet the needs of ALL staff and participants. Soiled masks will be discarded and a new one provided to staff and participants, should the need arise during the program day.
If the participant and their household caregivers do not have masks, please contact Helping Hands for Better Living or your Regional Center of Orange County Service Coordinator.
All staff and program participants are required to complete a COVID19 questionnaire EVERY DAY, THE DAY BEFORE they are scheduled to attend in-person services! If they are experiencing ANY symptoms they are REQUIRED to remain home and not report to the center!
Non-contact infrared thermometers are mounted at the entrance to the facility and are required of ALL of those that enter the facility. Those that are ill or feverish, may not enter the facility.
It is the responsibility of all parties involved (Parent/ Residential Care Provider, the participant, OCTA Access, Helping Hands for Better Living, etc.) to ensure that CDC, State, and local guidelines are followed…EVEN WHEN NOT AT THE PROGRAM. It is not always possible to determine with certainty when and where a person might have been exposed to COVID19. We strongly encourage all staff, program participants, family members, residential care providers, etc. to get vaccinated.
NO- Helping Hands for Better Living follows the COVID9 current state, local, and CDC guidelines for indoor health care facilities.
The current guidelines require the wearing of a mask when in an indoor licensed healthcare facility.
NO- We have protocols to address individual staff or participants known to have COVID-19, based upon the guidelines of state and local health departments, CAL/OSHA, and the CDC.
Furthermore, the current Department of Transportation COVID19 guidelines, requires that all passengers on public transportation such as OCTA Access must wear a mask or facial covering that covers the mouth and nose.
NO- activity classroom and seating assignments will continue to be based upon the goals and needs of the program participants.
YES- the program participants will have a modified schedule of times and days of in-person services.
Helping Hands for Better Living will structure on-site services to minimize the number of people on-site at any given time, in compliance with current social distancing health department guidelines.
During the initial re-opening period, there will be a modification of meal service to comply with state and local ordinances regarding masks being off in an indoor healthcare setting.
It is anticipated that most program participants will not receive a full luncheon meal, as the hours of attendance will be less than four hours per day. However, a nutritious-filling snack service will be provided in a manner and setting that is compliant, with the state and local guidelines for unmasking individuals in an indoor healthcare setting.
Meals are to be provided based upon the participant assessed needs and as developed through the person-centered planning process. This process entails the input of the participant, the residential care provider, and the Helping Hands for Better Living team of the registered nurse and registered dietitian/nutrition consultant.
YES- indeed. Because the in-person schedule will be modified to fewer hours and days per week, the remainder of services on any given day of the week and will continue to be provided in the remote/virtual manner, that participants have experienced during the past 16 months.